If PrEP is taken correctly and consistently, it helps build a protective layer around body cells which stops the HIV virus from establishing itself.
PrEP must be prescribed by a healthcare professional who has completed training on the national guidelines for the use of ARVs such as PrEP.
There are a variety of resources available to support Health Care Providers in initiating, administering and dispensing PrEP.
Use of PrEP will be based on the continued risk to contract HIV. It should only be used when an individual is at an ongoing risk and should be discontinued by a clinician one the risk reduces.
PrEP is one of the strategies that can be used to prevent HIV amongst many others. Studies have shown that effective HIV combination prevention strategies require a combination of biomedical, behavioural and structural interventions. These are:
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Ministry of Health
National AIDS & STI Control Programme
Afya Annex
Kenyatta National Hospital Grounds
P.O Box 19361 – 00202,Nairobi, Kenya.
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